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Police have had a busy day out today - this unfortunately meant we didn't get round to our community engagement at Hilcote but we will be rearranging this so we do apologise. We have been on foot for most of the day, stopped by a little girl on her...

Derbyshire Constabulary - 27/03/2025 19:42:47

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PCC Nicolle Ndiweni-Roberts backs proposed new laws to protect children from online predators

To help raise awareness of child exploitation, Nicolle has written to the Home Office to voice her strong support for proposed legislative changes to tackle new AI (artificial intelligence) child sexual abuse offences. In her letter to the Minister f...

Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner - 27/03/2025 17:18:31

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School Engagement at Padfield Community School - Thursday 27th March

Glossop SNT - School Engagement PCSO Buller from Glossop YET (Youth Engagement Team) has been at Padfield County Primary School, Rhodes St, Padfield this afternoon, Thursday 27th March. He was invited to complete an input with Ks1 (5 to 7 yrs) and...

Derbyshire Constabulary - 27/03/2025 16:46:09

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'Community Champions Event' at Glossopdale School, Hadfield - The Hummingbird Project.

Glossop SNT - Community Engagement The Hummingbird Project in Glossop have created a new project: ‘Glossopdale Community Champions’. This will be an Annual awards ceremony to recognise and reward the fantastic volunteers and community champions fr...

Derbyshire Constabulary - 27/03/2025 16:31:19

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