Derbyshire Talking

Here in Derbyshire, we, the police, care about what our Derbyshire residents think. We want to help with issues that affect you and your standard of living. With this in mind, we have created a survey called ‘Derbyshire Talking’, which is run and managed through the Derbyshire Alert system. This survey runs indefinitely and allows you to record issues which affect you. We want to receive your feedback, good or bad, all is useful. If you join our community messaging system to receive our community alerts, we can let you know what we have done about the issues raised via the survey and keep in regular contact with you. You can join as a member on the home page of this site. Alternatively, you can complete the survey, on the link below, recording issues that you want to be addressed without becoming a member.

This information is collated and used by the Section Inspectors to set priorities for each policing area, on a three monthly basis. It could be that anti-social behaviour is a problem reported by several people in the same area which shows in the results as a top priority issue. We can then work with colleagues in the section, colleagues from the local council and residents to look at the issue and plan how to tackle the problem. We can work with volunteers such as Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators and Community Speed watch to look at how we tackle these issues together.

As a member of Alert, we ask you to complete the survey on a three monthly basis. It is sent out by email. This shows us if we still have the same issues, if there is more work to be done or have we solved the issue with our joint approach. We can see what new issues may be arising for us to tackle too. It may be that you don’t have any issues, this is good news too, it helps us to plan where we deploy our resources.

If you wish to let us know your issues, please complete the Derbyshire Talking survey.

Don't forget to join Derbyshire Alert and become a member if you wish to receive up to date news in your area.