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Derbyshire Alert

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Police vehicles in taped off street

Derbyshire Alert is the community messaging system for the whole of Derbyshire.

By registering, you can receive news and appeals, local crime information, and prevention advice direct to your email address.

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Latest Alerts

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Community Catch-Up

👮 Community Engagement 👮 Tomorrow, on the 15th of February 2025, officers of your Shirebrook Safer Neighbourhood Team will be on the Market Place in Shirebrook between 13:00 - 14:00. If you wish to report anything to us or have anything you wish to...

Derbyshire Constabulary - 14/02/2025 19:00:29

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Please be aware that we have had reports of x2 shed/garage breaks in Etwall and x1 in Burnaston. Crime prevention advice is available on Crime prevention advice | Derbyshire Constabulary 08/02/2025 17:00 - 10/02/2025 10:52 Unknown offenders enter ...

Derbyshire Constabulary - 14/02/2025 18:12:45

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'The Hang Out Club' Gamesley need Volunteers.

Glossop SNT - Volunteers Needed The Youth Club are looking for some enthusiastic people who remember what it was like to be a kid when they went to a youth clubs and what a great experience it was for them. Could you volunteer on Monday or Wedne...

Derbyshire Constabulary - 14/02/2025 17:00:59

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School Engagement at Saint Philip Howard School – Friday 14th February

Glossop SNT - School Engagement PCSO Buller from Glossop YET (Youth Engagement Team) had been asked to attend Saint Philip Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sunlaws St, Glossop, today Friday 14th February. He was there to complete an input with a class...

Derbyshire Constabulary - 14/02/2025 17:00:49

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