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Derbyshire Alert

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Voice messages

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Derbyshire Constabulary

Derbyshire PCC

Action Fraud

Neighbourhood Watch

Derbyshire Alert is the community messaging system for the whole of Derbyshire.

By registering, you can receive news and appeals, local crime information, and prevention advice direct to your email address.

Registration is completely free and not only allows you to receive messages about your local area, but also allows you to feed back information to your local policing teams to help them better look after your neighbourhood.

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Latest Alerts

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School Engagement by the Safer Neighbourhood Team

On Tuesday 23rd July, PC Jakins from the Safer Neighbourhood Team was invited to Curbar Primary School to present the Curbar Citizen of the Year Award to one of the school leavers who best demonstrated the schools values which the school call the Cur...

The Police - 26/07/2024 21:00:32

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Speed Checks carried out as part of our Priority

***You Said We Did*** As part of our priority into Road Safety which includes speeding and dangerous parking offences such as those committed by parking on a white line system. Officers from the Safer Neighbourhood Team have conducted speed checks th...

The Police - 26/07/2024 16:13:11

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Next NHW Meeting, Please confirm your attendance

Dear Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, Just a reminder that the next NHW meeting is due to take place on Monday 29th July between 5pm and 6pm at the Council Chamber, Town Hall in Bakewell. This meeting gives you an opportunity to meet your local SNT o...

The Police - 26/07/2024 13:31:01

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Climb with a copper!

Join us on Monday 29th July at Clip 'n' Climb on Kingsway industrial estate 12:30-14:30 for our first ever Climb with a Copper! See below for details and how to book onto the session.

The Police - 26/07/2024 12:30:41

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