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School Engagement for Year 11's at Glossopdale School on Monday 12th Feb

Glossop SNT - School Engagement 


PCSO Buller of Glossop YET was invited to attend Glossopdale School & Sixth form, Newshaw Lane, Hadfield today, Monday 12th Feb.


This was to complete inputs for their year 11 students on Controlling & Coercive Behaviour, CCB, as part of their THRIVE day with the focus on Health and Well Being.



✅ We discussed - What is controlling and coercive behaviour?

✅ Who does it affect?

✅ A video showing a female and male talking to their partners and then asking what did you see?

✅ What would you do as a friend if you saw this happening to someone you know?

✅ What would yo do if your friend was demonstrating CCB in their relationship?

✅Spotting the signs - What to do if its happening to you and what if you're displaying the behaviour.

✅ Men and CCB


⭕ If you are a victim of CCB  please the below Support Services


🔅 National Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0808 2000 247 - or  helpline@womensaid.org.uk

🔅 Men's advice line - 0808 8010 237 - or info@mensadviceline.org.uk

🔅 ManKind - 0182 3334 244

🔅 Galop - LGBT+ support  on 0800 999 5428

🔅 Childline on 0800 1111

🔅 Derbyshire Victim Support  on 0800 612 6505 or text 'DVS' to 82228 or www.derbyshirevictimservices.co.uk


If you're worried that you are abusive, you can also contact the free 'Respect' helpline - 0808 802 4040


A big thank you from the team to all the pupils and staff for their co-operation and taking part in todays input.








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Message Sent By
Brian Buller
(Police, PCSO , High Peak North Youth Engagement Team)

  • Website - we have several crime reporting tools on our website or use our online contact form
  • Phone - call us on 101
  • Derbyshire Alert - reply to this message for non-urgent information you may wish to share
  • In an emergency ALWAYS call 999
  • If you are D/deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, text us on 07800 002414 or email deafsms@Derbyshire.police.uk for emergencies click here https://999bsl.co.uk to go through to an interpreter.

You can also anonymously contact the independent charity CrimeStoppers, on 0800 555 111, or by visiting the CrimeStopppers website

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