The Police
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Speeding Enforcement

This morning members of your team have been out and about to conduct speed checks along Chesterfield Road and Matlock Green.


Over 200 vehicles were monitored along Chesterfield Road, 3 of these were found to be speeding between 37-39mph in a 30 zone.

Nearly 300 vehicles were monitored along Matlock Green and 1 found to be speeding.

Relevant action will now be taken against these drivers in due course. 

However, we would just like to remind our road users to drive safely and stick to the speed limits to ensure the safety of themselves and other road users, as well as our pedestrians that have the right to cross our roads safely!


We would like to thank those that do drive safely within our community!

We will be continuing to monitor our areas of concern and take enforcement action when necessary!


#communityenagagement #speedingenforcement #fatalfour #roadsafety 

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Message Sent By
Annellei Hillman
(Police, PCSO, Derbyshire Dales)

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