The Police
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Community News

🔥 Remember, Remember the 5th of November 🔥


It's Bonfire Night!.....


Whilst it’s a night for all ages to enjoy, it’s also important to talk about safety with children and young people before going to any organised fireworks events.


Why not use our word search as a conversation starter? You can download it from our website: https://www.derbyshire.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/media/images/derbyshire/campaigns/2024/october/bonfire-night-wordsearch-2024.pdf


Here are some key tips to remember, remember on the fifth of November (and any other night you’re celebrating)!


If you’re heading to a large community event: 

• Keep children away from bonfires and fireworks.

• Set up a meeting point at the event with your child in case you get separated.

• Take a picture of your child before the event, just in case you need help looking out for them if you can’t find them.


And remember:

🔥 Have fun!

🔥 Stay safe!

🔥 Think of others.


If you need to report anything to us:

💻 Online via Derbyshire Constabulary www.derbyshire.police.uk

✖ – @DerPolContact 

📱 101

👤 Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or www.crimestoppers-uk.org

🦻🏽 If you're hard of hearing or have a speech impairment use the textphone service 18001 101 or text 07800 002414 or email deafsms@derbyshire.pnn.police.uk

❗ Always 999 in an emergency


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Message Sent By
David Hancock
(Police, PCSO, North East)

  • Website - we have several crime reporting tools on our website or use our online contact form
  • Phone - call us on 101
  • Derbyshire Alert - reply to this message for non-urgent information you may wish to share
  • In an emergency ALWAYS call 999
  • If you are D/deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, text us on 07800 002414 or email deafsms@Derbyshire.police.uk for emergencies click here https://999bsl.co.uk to go through to an interpreter.

You can also anonymously contact the independent charity CrimeStoppers, on 0800 555 111, or by visiting the CrimeStopppers website

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