What is the Derbyshire Voice app? Derbyshire Voice is a mobile phone app where victims of crime and traumatic events who live in Derbyshire can share their experience, views, ideas and opinions about the impact of crime, support services and what needs to change. There will be opportunities to access and complete surveys through the App and Victim Support will also use the App to communicate any other consultation opportunities such as participation in focus groups and telephone interviews. Why should I take part? Derbyshire Voice enables you to have a voice and directly contribute to improving our work helping victims of crime. Participation will be mainly via short surveys done in a few minutes on your phone. Participants will be rewarded financially for taking the time to fill out surveys. How can I get the Derbyshire Voice app?
1. Download now for Apple or android using the QR code or head over to your app store and search VS voice (once you enter the passcode below you will go to the dedicated Derbyshire Voice version of the app) 2. Enter this passcode to register: WTHAUR3D 3. Enter the verification password sent to your email 4. Get involved. For more information about this, and to get involved, please contact voice@victimsupport.org.uk The Derbyshire Voice app is part of a wider project funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire in partnership with Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council to gather the lived experiences of victims of crime and those who support them to help shape future priorities, services and policies for victims of crime across Derbyshire and Derby City.