The Police
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Missing Person Found

Great news!

Our Officers across the west division were called out late this afternoon following concerns of a missing 7 year old child.

Further to our enquiries, we were able to locate this missing young one and ensure that they were safely reunited with their loved ones.

Thank you to all the members of the public that assisted our enquiries today and ensured that our perseverance
and ground work ensured such a great result.

This is one of the reasons why Police work and our community links are so important.

Thank you once again,

Littleover Safer Neighbourhoods Team.

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Message Sent By
Benjamin Hartley
(Police, PCSO, Derby West)

  • Website - we have several crime reporting tools on our website or use our online contact form
  • Phone - call us on 101
  • Derbyshire Alert - reply to this message for non-urgent information you may wish to share
  • In an emergency ALWAYS call 999
  • If you are D/deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, text us on 07800 002414 or email deafsms@Derbyshire.police.uk for emergencies click here https://999bsl.co.uk to go through to an interpreter.

You can also anonymously contact the independent charity CrimeStoppers, on 0800 555 111, or by visiting the CrimeStopppers website

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