Every 3 months we, as the Police Neighbourhood team, review what we should focus on, based on analysing data of incidents reported, frequent callers, discussion with residents at engagement events, local partner agencies and through surveys. This then factors into what our policing teams for each ward area of our section will have as a priority to try and resolve, in addition to our other policing and engagement duties that happen spontaneously throughout or working day.
This results in three priorities, typically some of the bigger concerns from the public, such as littering, dog fouling and parking issues are resolved by other agencies, such as the council, but will support if we can with these.
For the next three months, our three priorities for Abbey will be:
2: High visibility patrols aimed at deterring the young people involved in the Anti Social Behaviour ( ASB) identifying any offences and signposting them to a relevant intervention agency. Reports of begging outside shop fronts, deter, prevent and support/ safeguard individuals involved in this. Patrol strategies to be implemented to decrease the occurrence. 3: Following community surveys, the public have highlighted speeding issues as being one of their primary concerns in the area. Police generated speedwatch have been conducted and CREST have been advised of issues on main throughfares. | ||||
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