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School Engagement at Saint Philip Howard School – Friday 14th February

Glossop SNT - School Engagement


PCSO Buller from Glossop YET (Youth Engagement Team) had been asked to attend Saint Philip Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sunlaws St, Glossop, today Friday 14th February.



He was there to complete an input with a class of year 7 and then year 8 students on ‘Cyber Safety’ and ‘Online conduct’.


Topics covered - 


The first line of defence….our devices

* Password Security

* Your Safety Net

* What is cyberbullying and examples of cyberbullying?


Did you know ?

* 24% of children and young people will experience some form of online bullying.

* 17% of children and young people will online bully others.

* Name Calling is the most common type of online bullying.


Its about Respect - banter or bullying ?

* Malicious Communications Act 1988 and the Online Safety Bill - what do they do?

* Examples of New Offences - “Deep Fake” - “Cyber Flashing” - “Flashing Images”.

* Consequences of cyber bullying.


* Help and Support for young people (please see below).





Thank you to the head teacher and staff for agreeing to these inputs today.

And a very big thank you to all of the students who participated and engaged in the inputs this morning. 







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Message Sent By
Brian Buller
(Police, PCSO, High Peak)

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