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School Engagement at Padfield Community School - Thursday 27th March

Glossop SNT - School Engagement 


PCSO Buller from Glossop YET (Youth Engagement Team) has been at Padfield County Primary School, Rhodes St, Padfield this afternoon, Thursday 27th March.

He was invited to complete an input with Ks1 (5 to 7 yrs) and Ks2 (ages 7 to 11) students on ‘Is Everyone a Friend'?

We discussed. 

What makes a good friend? (KS1 & KS2) 

Our online friends - do we really know our online friends (KS2)

Rules to Being SMART - Safe, Meet, Accepting, Reliable, Tell - plus Safety Tips for Games online (KS2) 

What's personal information? (KS1 - KS2)

Playing Outside - Staying Safe Outside (KS1 & KS2) - Staying Safe at Home (KS2) 

'Yell - Run - Tell' (KS1 & KS2)

Glossop YET would like to thank the students for their active participation in the inputs this afternoon, as well as to the head and school staff for facilitating today’s sessions.






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Message Sent By
Brian Buller
(Police, PCSO, High Peak)

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